Dealing with Burnout As An Influencer


This week we’re focusing on what wellness looks like for influencers! Social media is a difficult industry for maintaining your sense of self, not getting caught up in comparison, not finding your worth in numbers, and being able to “come home from work” at night. Especially as the industry becomes more saturated and competitive, it can be easy to feel discouraged and burnt out.

Here are a few things to think about if you’re starting to feel Instagram Exhaustion:

1. Consider taking a break.

Even if taking a break negatively impacts your numbers in the short term, your mental health will ultimately affect you more long term for better or worse. Prioritize your mental health over your immediate performance on social media and take a break to reassess your situation and identify if there is a new way to do a great job without burning out.

2. Consider batch-working.

Humans are actually not good at multitasking. It’s hard for our brain to constantly switch between things. You might find you can work smarter, not harder, by batch-working. For example, spend a couple of days writing/planning 10 youtube videos, spend the next week filming them all, spend the next week editing them, spend the next week creating TikTok videos/reels, and choose one day for 5 photoshoot looks. This will help your mind really get into a groove instead of switching so much between tasks and losing energy on the transitions.

3. Give yourself “work hours.”

While Instagram seems to add pressure to be on the app 24/7, there are plenty of successful influencers who actually only post on weekends! Or who post during the week but take evenings and weekends off. It’s important to be consistent for your audience’s sake, and having more content does give your platform more chances grow, but if one day a week is what you have the energy for, make it a THING and let your audience look forward to that one day a week that you’ll be on!

4. You’re probably doing a better job at all this than it feels like.

We are our own worst critics. It’s always helpful to plan in some calming space in your day to meditate on what is true and remind yourself that you’re probably actually doing a pretty decent job. 👏

Julie TecsonComment